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Level 3 NPTC UA2 Utility Arboriculture


Utility Arboriculture

NPTC UA2 Assessment

Aimed predominantly at those working within or looking to work within the utility arboriculture sector, or people required to carry out any arboricultural or forestry work within the proximity of live overhead powerlines

This two day field based course has been developed to provide the candidates with the specific skills and knowledge required to safely carry out arboricultural works within the proximity zone of live overhead powerlines and to undertake the NPTC UA2 assessment.

Upon the completion of this course, the candidate will:


  • Be able to identify a range of common broadleaved and coniferous tree species and be able to comment on their individual timber characteristics and growth rates in relation to overhead powerlines;
  • Gain a basic understanding of the factors which might influence a trees growth;
  • Understand the significance and hazards associated with epicormic sprout growth, climbing plants, defective trees and trees with dangerous overhang;
  • Understand the basic principles of targeted and directional pruning.


  • Recognise the importance of site specific/electrical risk assessments and be able to identify and control hazards on a variety of sites;
  • Understand the electrical method of work required for dealing with each category of tree;
  • Display competence in the use of insulated pole tools for installation of ropes and carrying out pruning operations;
  • Understand the importance of the care and maintenance of insulating poles;
  • Be able to assess individual trees for hazards prior to felling;
  • Demonstrate the safe method of felling trees adjacent to overhead power lines.


  • Demonstrate competence in safely accessing and pruning trees within the proximity zone of overhead powerlines;
  • State the information required when briefing ground staff to ensure climbing operations are carried out safely.

Equipment needed:

Chainsaw suitable for ground use, fuel/oil, maintenance tools.

PPE:  Chainsaw trousers class 1 type A or C, chainsaw boots, chainsaw helmet with chinstrap, ear defenders and visor, (chinstrap 2.3 only) chainsaw gloves, personal first aid kit with large wound dressing and whistle.

For UA2.3 only – full climbing kit, (harness, climbing ropes, adjustable stop and karabiners) pruning saw, cur resistant climbing gloves.

An in date thorough LOLER examination certificate (or certificate of conformity/receipt for items less than 6 months old) will be required for all items of climbing equipment.

All equipment is available to hire at an additional cost including PPE.  Please enquire for details.

Course requirements for UA2 are:

UA2.1 – Completion of UA1

UA2.2 – Completion of CS30 or 002003, CS31 or 002004, UA1, UA2.1

UA2.3 – Completion of CS30 or 002003, CS31 or 002004, CS38 or 002013, CS39 or 002108, CS40 or 002107, UA1, UA2.1, UA2.2

Course duration:

Two days training with assessment on a separate day

For further information on costs and course date, contact us.