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Wilson Tree Surgery

by Wilson Tree Surgery |

If you’re considering a career as a tree surgeon you’ll need to equip yourself with a range of tools and safety equipment essential for the job. We’ve compiled the crucial gear every new tree surgeon should have to ensure safety, efficiency, and professionalism in their work.

1. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Safety must be your top priority as a tree surgeon, and having the right PPE is fundamental. Here’s what you need:

  • Helmet with Visor and Ear Protection: Protects against falling debris, noise, and potential head injuries.
  • Protective Chainsaw Trousers: Specially designed to resist chainsaw cuts and minimise injury.
  • Chainsaw Safety Boots: Provide grip, protect your feet, and are reinforced to withstand chainsaw cuts.
  • Gloves: Necessary for grip and protection against cuts and abrasions.
  • Eye Protection: Shields your eyes from sawdust, chips, and other debris.

2. Climbing Gear

Tree surgery often requires working at height, so proper climbing equipment is crucial:

  • Climbing Harness: A durable, comfortable harness is crucial for safety and mobility when working in trees.
  • Rope: High-quality climbing ropes designed for arboriculture ensure strength and flexibility.
  • Carabiners and Climbing Spurs: Carabiners for securing yourself and equipment, and spurs for climbing trees without damaging them unnecessarily.
  • Lanyards and Fliplines: For positioning and stabilisation while working at height.

3. Cutting Tools

As much of the job involves cutting and trimming, having the right tools is essential:

  • Chainsaw: A reliable and powerful chainsaw is crucial. Consider both a heavier model for ground work and a lighter, more manoeuvrable model for use while climbing.
  • Hand Saws: For finer cutting tasks that a chainsaw can’t manage.
  • Pruners and Loppers: For cutting smaller branches.

4. Additional Equipment

Beyond the basics, these tools can enhance your efficiency and safety:

  • First Aid Kit: Always have a fully stocked first aid kit on hand for immediate response to cuts or other injuries.
  • Two-Way Radios: Essential for communication, especially when working in teams or in noisy environments.
  • Tool Strops: To secure tools to your harness and prevent them from dropping.
  • Ground Tarps: For collecting debris and making clean-up faster and easier.

5. Vehicle and Storage

  • Suitable Vehicle: A vehicle, often a van or truck, capable of transporting equipment and debris.
  • Tool Storage and Maintenance: Adequate storage for tools and equipment, along with regular maintenance to keep everything in working order.

6. Training and Education

While not a physical piece of equipment, proper training is essential for any tree surgeon. This includes courses and certifications in chainsaw use, tree climbing and aerial rescue, and first aid. Continuing education is also important, as it helps you stay updated with the latest techniques and safety standards.

Starting a career in tree surgery requires significant investment in both equipment and training. Each piece of equipment plays a vital role in ensuring that you can perform your job safely and effectively. As you gain more experience and expand your services, you may find additional specialised tools necessary. Always remember, investing in high-quality gear not only improves your efficiency and safety but also enhances your professionalism and the quality of service you can offer your clients.


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