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Wilson Tree Surgery

by Wilson Tree Surgery |

In the UK, bird nesting season is officially from February to August.  Although in reality, the nesting period may start before this and extend beyond it, depending on the species.


four baby birds in nest

We have to take this into account when it comes to any vegetation works  – tree and hedge maintenance – we carry out and make sure to always abide by the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 and the European Habitats Directive 1992.

This states we must never touch a site with an active nest.  A general rule of thumb is to assume that at this time of year, birds will be nesting in trees but a site must always be assessed and confirm that any works that need to be carried out will not disturb any actively nesting birds or leave them exposed to the elements or predators! Don’t forget to check ground vegetation as well – this is often overlooked.

Most clients are understanding of these rules and accept that sometimes work might need to be postponed.

For more information on the Wildlife and Countryside act, please see

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